Ever wonder what gives the leader of any hive “queen bee” status? Well, for starters, she bathes in royal jelly—a protein-packed liquid excreted by the glands of worker bees. And after this luxurious soak, she gorges herself on the stuff for the rest of her royal life (#goals). So it comes as no surprise that cultures dating back thousands of years have followed in the Q.B.’s footsteps to reap the benefits of this secret sauce—including the Chinese. Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) at large is having a bit of a cultural renaissance atm, thanks to the rise of holistic health that advocates consulting natural remedies before hitting the doctor’s office. And royal jelly is just one, *ahem*, buzzy ingredient that people are adding to their arsenal of biohacking remedies. Why you ask? According to Andy Williams, PhD, TCM regards the consumption of royal jelly as a means of achieving “spleen chi,” or “grounding” in your day-to-day life that promotes a healthy spleen. Since TCM touts this organ as the V.I.P. for a thriving energy body, royal jelly was in high demand for the ancients. And guess what—it’s still all the rage in China today. But hey, even if you’re not vibing with the “energy body” terminology, the modern science of this miracle substance will convince you that TCM remains pretty much on point. Here are just a few of the bod-boosting benefits of taking your daily dose of royal jelly (100% Queen Bee-approved).
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This Superfood Breakfast Smoothie Will Fuel Your Morning Hustle
Waking up to a blaring alarm clock sucks—no argument here. But imagine this: A breakfast smoothie that's delish and power-packed enough to compete with your snooze button. Yup, it’s possible. And t...

In The News: December Edition
Psychedelic 'Bee Vision' A recent has found flowers have certain heat patterns, with varying temperatures across petals. The patterns act like 'sensory signposts' to attract the bees.n a study led...