All About Bee Propolis: The Ancient Ingredient That's Worth Its Weight in Benefits
Why take a trip to the regular pharmacy when you can visit the hive pharmacy? No clean medicine cabinet is complete without bee propolis, nature's all-purpose soother. Propolis is a sticky, antioxi...

Honey, It's Time to Upgrade Your Medicine Cabinet
Take a quick peek inside your medicine cabinet...
Okay, are you back?
Did you happen to notice how much gross junk is in there? Artificial colors, refined sugar, chemical fillers—since when did t...

Dust off Your Valentine's Routine with These Meaningful Activities (No Matter What Your Relationship Status)
Cupid. Is. Coming. If you haven’t already noticed the pink hearts popping up everywhere, let us be the first to remind you that it’s getting close to Valentine’s Day.
Was that a 'yay'? Or an ...

2018 BKN Holiday Gift Guide
Still looking for an amazing gift for that special someone this holiday season? Look no further than the hive! We’ve got something sweet for everyone on your list.
Got your list out? Here we go… ...

Move Over Runny Noses—Introducing Throat Spray for Kids!
Coming down with a bad case of the sniffles is fun for no one—especially our little ones. Active kids are especially susceptible to catching all those icky germs and bugs going around. Let’s face i...

What the BUCK is Buckwheat Honey?!
When you think of honey varietals, what do you think of? Maybe sweet clover? Wildflower? Apple or raspberry blossom? Manuka? Whatever comes to mind, odds are, you probably don’t really think about ...

Beauty Starts with B.Powered!
Get ready for that clear, dewy complexion you’ve always wanted. No, it doesn’t involve expensive beauty serums, invasive procedures, or hours of super hot yoga. It's as easy as loading up on your h...

Introducing BKN B.Chill—Your Stress-Crushing, Sleep-Saving, Sweet Dose of Zen
Today is a special day, Beegans. We’re unleashing our newest product—B.Chill—from our hive to yours! Because, hey, we all need a little more chill in our lives.
B.Chill is a unique formulation of...

The Science Behind B.Smart Brain Fuel: Our First Nootropic
To all the go getters, nonstop hustlers, and weekend warriors. How many times have you wanted to improve your focus, wished your memory was better, or that you had more energy?
Meet: B.Smart Brain ...